Celoteh Si Effa ;)

Hi! Effa here. I'm the owner of this blog. And sooo proud to have this. Thanks for your visit and do contact me as well. See ya!

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Template: Nurul AtiQah
Re-Designed : Hysham Hyszham
Owner : Effa Riza

Kalau Dua Hati Da Sebati Sukar Dipisahkan

Semlm our relationship berusia 4 bulan . Da mcm2 dugaan kami lalui .
However i always put kesabaran dan kepercayaan walaupun hati rasa kecewa dgn skp si dia . Mmg la aq ckp xnk berharap ap2 lg , xp org pompuan always ckp sebalik dr niat nye . That me , sooooo i hope si dia berubah , bekerja keras dan bertanggungjwb . Bkn bermaksud aq control dia tp ini demi kebaikan masa depan , sbb aq nk kite org brrsama .. if die still rasa nk sambil lewaaa plis dont come to me .. im not that type .. sayang pliss make me more happy day in days . Oklah nk kerja ! Bye ! Dari Celoteh Effa , SUS !